Next outdoor service: October 4th, 10:30am
We plan to meet in person outdoors for worship this Sunday, but there are a few rules we need to follow to comply with state requirements. These are listed below; please review and be ready to follow them. If you’re not able to, we ask that you remain at home and continue to worship remotely via the live stream for the time being. The 10:30am and 6:00pm services will continue to be live streamed on the main page of this site.
Before you attend an outdoor service, please read the following:
Watch the weather and prepare accordingly.
You need to be responsible and use your best judgment when it comes to outdoor conditions. If the forecasted weather conditions would put you at risk, we encourage you to stay home and continue to worship with us remotely.
You may be able to participate from your car in the parking lot.
We will broadcast the worship service audio via a short-range FM transmitter in addition to the outdoor speaker system so you can listen in your vehicle. The frequency will be displayed on signs in the parking lot.
Thus, if you’re not comfortable being outdoors near other people, you can stay in your car while being present on site to participate in the worship service. If you choose to participate this way, park on the east side of the church (the side with the lawn and basketball court). To comply with FCC regulations, our FM transmitter is extremely low power and will not reach parking spots on the north or west sides of the building.
Services will continue to be live streamed.
If you think these requirements put you at risk or that your attendance may put others at risk, you are encouraged to stay home and worship online. The live stream of the worship service will be available as usual at 10:30am and 6:00pm Pacific time on the main page of this web site,